City of Davie
Implementation Plans
FY 2024-2025 Plan
The Town of Davie’s Implementation Plan for FY25 aims to enhance the capabilities of the Town of Davie Fire Rescue Department (TDFRD) in addressing opioid-related crimes and emergencies. The plan is focused on reducing opioid distribution and misuse, improving safety for first responders, and supporting affected communities through public safety strategies. It outlines the allocation of opioid settlement funds, detailing specific areas of focus and the funds dedicated to each area, including training and resources for TDFRD, emergency response and overdose prevention, and community outreach efforts.
A needs assessment was conducted, analyzing current trends in opioid-related emergency calls and local crime statistics related to opioid use. This assessment helped identify gaps and needs in law enforcement and fire rescue capabilities, emergency response resources, and community safety programs. Strategic priorities include comprehensive training for handling opioid-related incidents, equipping TDFRD with necessary equipment and technology, and conducting public education campaigns on overdose prevention. The budget allocation for these initiatives totals $87,575.68, with detailed expenditures for equipment, supplies, and outreach materials outlined in the plan.
The implementation timeline spans from Q1 2024 to Q4 2025, including procurement of equipment and supplies, launching public safety campaigns, and evaluating the effectiveness of the funded programs. Responsible parties include TDFRD overseeing training and enforcement operations, with collaboration from surrounding law enforcement, fire rescue, public health agencies, and community organizations to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated effort. Monitoring and evaluation will be conducted quarterly, with comprehensive performance reports submitted to the Town’s Finance and Legal Department to ensure accountability and continuous improvement of the program.
In conclusion, the plan provides a comprehensive approach to utilizing opioid settlement funds to enhance public safety and mitigate the impact of the opioid crisis in the Town of Davie. Through strategic investments in prevention, treatment, recovery, public awareness, comprehensive training, and collaborative efforts, the plan aims to create safer communities and improve the overall public health landscape.